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super Star

super Star Price In Singapore 2025

Super Star Group is a leading and successful manufacturer, importer and marketer of electrical accessories and equipment since last two decades under the brand name of “SUPER STAR”. The company started its journey in 1994 by establishing its first venture an Incandescent lamp plant located at Narayangonj. Super Star group provide wide range of lighting and other electrical solution for residential, commercial, and other special needs. The group offer high quality lighting solution to its wide range customer with no consider in quality that make them number one in lighting sector of Bangladesh. The product ranges are Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL), Incandescent Lamp (GLS), Light Emitting Diode (LED), Fluorescent Tube Light (T8, T5), Switches & Sockets, Fan, Fluorescent Lighting Fixture, PVC Insulating Tape, Electronic Ballast, and Distribution Board. In addition, the group is the exclusive distributor of Kawamura Electric Inc. of Japan and Federal Electric of Turkey to marketing their Circuit Breaker and other electrical safety related products in Bangladesh. In addition having their own brand named as Super Star Fan, they become the exclusive distributor of Khaitan Fan of India in Bangladesh. The quality of these products is guaranteed and its durability is unquestionable. All these products have got both intrinsic and aesthetic value for which we are proud of and find ourselves truly satisfied in supplying the quality goods to our valued and prospective buyers and consumers. Super Star Group has started a new concern named Super Star Engineering Ltd in 2012, and proved its ability to manufacture, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of electrical sub-stations as well as complete electrical solutions on turnkey basis. As one of the leading and popular brand in Bangladesh, Super Star Group entered into renewable energy business under the name of Super Star Renewable Energy Ltd in 2013. Using the brand name of “SUPER STAR SOLAR” this company designs and develops innovative renewable energy related products that are best suited for customer needs. To meet the accelerated demand of city dwellers, Super Star Group expanded its activities in Real Estate sector under the name of Super Star Properties Ltd in 2011, to provide high quality comfortable living and commercial space that will deliver the highest value for money of the customers. A team of experienced and highly skilled professionals having good corporate culture runs Super Star Group. All the products that manufactured by SSG is designed by their own professionals and all the product designs are kept under copyright law so that no one can copy their product design. Super Star Group has a reputation itself involved in a good number of CSR activities and maintains a very good credit rating with banks and other financial institutions. Our Business Units: Super Star Electronics Ltd Super Star Electrical Accessories Ltd IR Bulb Co Ltd Super Star Distribution Ltd Professional Lightings Super Star Renewable Energy Ltd SSG Engineering SSG Properties Grupel Generator SSG Agro SSG Papers Ltd Super Fonesuper Star Price in Singapore and super Star Showroom in Singapore.